viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My Blogging Experience...

In the first occasion that I used the Blog I had doubt about me, because I didn’t known that if I was capable of I make a better work, this one because difficult me the English and I don’t like it. For this I used (in different situations) the “Google translator” and the true I didn’t nothing learned. But when I started to write of few and continue forms I started learn, because was my process.

I think that I more learned using the Blog, because I’m was activate and participative in my learning- process, are my ideas about a topic expressing in this website and it help me to practice the writing and reading.

I can see the different ideas that have my classmates about a topic and vice versa.
I enjoy used the Blog because now I isn’t so difficult write in English, but still I can’t right speak and listen of English, I have serious problems of pronunciation and I’m slowly process for this I difficult create sentence of swift forms or spontaneous way.

The Blog permitting me know and use a few more to idiom, although I feel that lack lot lot lot to perfect use the English and the true I don’t like the idiom and I feel
pressured or forced to learn the English, for this I’m unmotivated whit the idiom because the curiosity to learn it don’t exist.

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Dance :)

The dance is not a sport; the dance is an art where the body is in movement. But in this occasion I think that is pertinent write about it.

The dance has been a practice since always, because it is a form of expression that has the people. The people dancing when feel the necessity of express an emotions (happy, sad, irritates, etc.) also from express feelings about an ideology, for example the “religious dance”.

The dance and music are interdependent, because the letter and melody of music is represent in the dance. The dance is about coordinated movement of body, the person or group interpreted a melody and realized choreography; this one must have a sense, must express feelings and emotions.

I practice the dance twice a week, in the place that I practice is the University, specifically, in the class “Arte, Conocimiento y Expresión: Danza” (“art, knowledge, expression: dance”) with the teacher Yasna Lepe who has been a person very significant for me, because she has helped me express things with my body. I will like continue working my body with the dance, because I think that the dance is a discipline very built-in, because it work with the body, emotion, expression, feeling, thinking, movement, coordinated, etc.

When the person becomes aware of your body (in all aspects), he/she can be an be more harmonious and equilibrated, because the person is not only a be of the reason, the person integrated all.

When you listen a melody in the street, do you like to dance in this moment? Well to me if, but give me embarrassment when don’t exist people of confidence.

Well classmate I hope that comment my post

See you next class

Bye ;)

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010


Well, I don’t know who took it and neither when the image was created. But the first thing that was called me the attention was that was a pregnant woman who represents the nature. The image shows a relation between all the elements that compose the nature, but the relation that appears in the image, is a maternal relation this one shows of where we birth and the link that exist with her is the compromise mutual.

In the picture all the elements are important part of the all, if an element is absent the balance is lost and this one happen with all relation that can give with animals, people, nature, context, etc. For something every element of it represents certain part of the figure of the woman.

I to appoint “Pachamama” at the image because it produces a sensation of balance to me, for something the woman is in the position of the lotus, I feel that the image of the mother implies a powerful relation, but not a vertical relation, I see it like a relation of interdependence and complementary.

Well, about technical topics I do not manage, for this only I mentioned my interpretation about the image.

The image can look of much way, it has much interpretations, it depends of how it looks, of who it looks at it and of the moment or situation in the one that is done.

Well, I like much the image; I hope that to you it produces something and comments in my blogs this sensation.

Good Bye class

I hope see you next class

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

One of my favorite movies is “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” by Mark Heman, the movie was basis in the novel of same name.

The movie treats on the second world war, specifically the Jewish extermination, in the concentration camps, realized by the Nazi.

The main character is a German boy called “Bruno”, the father’s Bruno is a major and he is charge of a “concentration camp”. Bruno does not know the context where he is. When the family`s Bruno moved to Auschwitz, he saw the concentration camp”, but he confuse the concentration camp with a farm, and he thought that Jewish were farmer. Bruno went the concentration camp, and saw another boy in the camp who her friend were, this boy wore with the striped pyjamas if all the farmer. The father of friend’s Bruno is assassinate, but the boy do not known, Bruno help her friend and enter the camp to look for father’s boy. But when both walk for the concentration camp, went (with more Jewish) a gas chamber place where died both boys.

Why you like this movie? Because the movie to show the two realities in conflict, but the children breaks with the structure did impose. Also in the movie had one component very important this was that live another position, because the family´s Bruno understood and reflected about “concentration camp” when their son died.

Well, the movies that I like are to do me reflect about topic.

Good Bye classmates

See you class :)

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

The cellphone!

The cellphone is a phone, but personal and customise. Whit the cellphone I can call, take a photograph, record, send and receive messages.

My cellphone is a present of my mother; she gave the cellphone to me when I was 17 years old for my confirmation.

The cellphone is very easy to use, because all the cellphones are organized in the same way, one place where the messages are, another where the camera is, another where the games are, etc.

I always use the cellphone, to wake up, to send message, to take photos, etc. I can’t live without my cellphone jajaja.

I like the cellphone because it has my memories and many important things inside. Also I like the cellphone because it is useful and practical.

My life is easier with the cellphone because I use the cellphone in emergency instance and to daily life for example: when I call a friend, when to the police call for an accident, etc.

My cellphone is old, but equal I like because is a memory of my mother and always I will have.

Well, the cellphone (for me) is the best piece of technology that has been created.

See you class ;)

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

The minga!!

The “minga” is one social celebretion, where the people of the town have to go to the help a one family that want change of place, but keeping the house.

The first the house is move for sea with the boat, and the second, when the house has come to earth, the house is pulled by bulls until you reach the place of installation.

There is no specific day for the Minga, only happens when one family want and when the people help.

For the community should be very important and rewarding, because they continue with the tradition of town, specifically in the Chiloe island, birthplace of this practice. With this practice is achieved by creating and maintaining a true community, because the people able to share experiences and build relationships.

I like the minga, because they have one mision and all the people work to achieve them, they work to created one community and this relationship have continue in the time.

But, I have not participated in this tradition, because I've never been in the island of Chiloe. I would like to go Chiloe, because I think that south people is more friendly and more open to sharing.

See you class


martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

The teacher Gabriel Salazar

Gabriel Salazar was my teacher of “Historia de Chile” in the second semester the last year. He is teacher of History, he studied philosophy and sociology. Salazar is a man who belonged to the MIR in his youth, since 1970- 1973. But in 1973, with the “coup military” and the dictatorship, he was detained and tortured at Villa Grimaldi, in 1976 he went into exile in UK where he studied a Ph.D in “Economic and Social History” in the University of Hull.

Salazar, along with other historians, is the founder of "Social History." This collects stories of the “Bajo pueblo”, of the vanquished and not the victors.

The teacher Gabriel, in 2006, won “Premio Nacional de Historia de Chile”, he has written many publications, between books and articles.

Why I like him? Because the teacher open my mind about another kind of the History, with the that I can work with the children in my future job, although difficult to oppose the official curriculum.

See you class

Bye :)